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It is possible to marry abroad as a Belgian citizen. If you want to get married in another country, you have to turn to the foreign government that will perform the marriage.

Which marriage law applies?

The basic conditions for each partner are determined by the law of the country of which s/he is a national at the time of the marriage. Belgian law therefore applies when you are a Belgian citizen. This means that you should be at least 18 years old, are not (or no longer) married and consent to the marriage. The formal requirements are determined by the country in which you marry. The marriage will only be legal in Belgium if all the basic and formal conditions are met and the foreign marriage act is registered at the Belgian administration (i.e. at the Belgian consulate if you live abroad).

Tip: Contact the Belgian diplomatic representation in your host country if you want to know which documents you should be able to present. Of course, the local government can also provide more information via your partner.

Tip: More information about marriage abroad and its recognition in Belgium can be found on the website of Diplomatie België.







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